„Party Alias” is a recklessly fun party version of the popular word explanation game „Alias”,
In which you explain words to your teammates using, for example, synonyms, antonyms and clues!Whenever a team game piece enters the party field, words have to be explained in new, euphemistic ways.
You might have to tell a strange message that contains all the words on the card, or silently reproduce the šarades,
or explain the words while standing on one leg or jumping.
You may find yourself explaining the words in different moods – or you may be hysterical,
Whether you're depressed or angry, „Party Alias” encourages guests to get involved, be active and creative. The aim of the game is to spell words with synonyms, antonyms or words that lead to the correct guess, so that teammates guess as many words as possible in a given time. The team moves its game piece around the playing field to the front of the game, and moves as many squares as the number of words guessed. The first team to reach the finish line wins.
In the game "Alias", the word must be told to the other words.